©Nicolas Borel

Café de la Musique

France - Paris 1994 › 1995
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Gilbert Costes asked me to design a café brasserie to seat 150 and in which concerts could be performed. Located close to the Paris Cité de la Musique music complex, the café is the latest addition to the family of big Paris cafés.

I therefore created a warm and very convivial environment with a big bar dominating a café area furnished with low, dynamic and comfortable seats in a symphony of soft, warm and oneiric colors. The wall that separates public spaces from technical areas establishes a lively dialogue with the existing external facade going from a straight line embracing the large rectangular interior and then turning into an undulating wall of curves and counter-curves that reflect the facade. And because of the café’s musical function, special consideration was given to the acoustic quality in order to create a gentle and lively acoustic environment.




Site renovation and extension. Interior design, design and styling of furnishings and scenography for musical productions


Gilbert Costes

Architect (interior)

Elizabeth de Portzamparc


1,200 sqm

©Nicolas Borel