Meeting “Patrimoines et attractivité des Territoires” – November 27 in Nîmes

8 November 2018

On Tuesday, November 27, Elizabeth de Portzamparc is invited to the meeting “Patrimoines et Attractivité des Territoires” (Heritage and Attractiveness of the territories), organized by Sites et Cités Remarquables de France (remarquable sites and cities of France). She will talk about the Musée de la Romanité and will take part in a round-table with the theme “Patrimoine écrin de la Modernité” (Heritage as showcase for the Modernity), driven by Philippe Belaval, President of the National Monumets Center. The meeting will take place in the auditorium of the Musée de la Romanité.
To view the full program and register, please click here.