4th Biennial of architecture and urbanisme of Caen – from September 22nd to October 9th 2016

1 September 2016

The 4th Biennial of architecture and urbanism of Caen will take place from September 22nd to October 9th 2016. The theme will be “Rebuild the city to measure”. During 3 weeks, exhibitions, conferences and discussions will happen in different sites of the city. Near 30 architects, urbanists and experts on the topics will expose their works and their reflections and speak to the public.

Elizabeth and Christian de Portzamparc will speak on the theme “Producing a contemporary urban fabric” on Saturday, October 8th, at 6 p.m. at the ESAM Art school (17, cours Caffarelli – Caen). Free admission subject to availability of limited places.

The complete program and further information can be found on the website of the Biennial.